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Weatherproof Phone Box

Weatherproof Phone Box

material:Cold-rolled steel

The weatherproof phone box is a telephone box specially designed to cover the wind and rain of outdoor telephones.If you would like to consult or order weatherproof phone box, please contact us at marketing@koontech.com or online server, we will provide you with competitive prices.
weatherproof phone box three main feature

weatherproof phone box KNB9

The weatherproof phone box is made by HONGKONG KOON TECHNOLOGY LTD  using cold rolled steel. After the weatherproof  phone box closes the door, the waterproof level can reach ip65. The surface is coated with special materials, which can make the weatherproof  phone box outdoors for a long time without corrosion.Outdoor telephone box

Dimension diagram
weatherproof phone box size

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Product Specification



Material:Cold-rolled steel

Tags: waterproof box;  waterproof telephone box; Explosion-proof box,

Telephone System

weatherproof phone box in tunnel construction system

The weatherproof phone box is equipped with an outdoor telephone KNSP-16. The telephone box and the outdoor telephone are used together in a communication dispatching system for tunnel excavation.

weather phone box in tunnel construction system

Product Application

weatherproof phone box use in outdoor telephone

weatherproof phone box use in outdoor telephone

Product Detailed Pictures

weatherproof phone box detailed picture (Front view,side view,inside view,reverse,side view)

weatherproof phone box Front view weatherproof phone box side view weatherproof phone box inside view weatherproof phone box side view

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This product model:KNB9


This product model:KNB9